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Drainage of Seroma Fluid
1 hr1 hHempstead Turnpike
200 US dollars
Service Description
Post Op care comes into play when Clients Have build up of Seroma Fluid after surgery, Fibrosis, or Hematoma. After surgery It is important to wear your compression garment at all times and getting enough Massages to prevent any of these issues. Depending upon the severity of each condition prices vary. The treatment includes draining fluid with a syringe and ultrasound. Client must Compress with garment at all times.

Cancellation Policy
To keep your appointment You must pay the $50 Deposit fee. If you do not pay the deposit we will be unable to keep your appointment.
Contact Details
Queen Divas Body Sculpting Inc, Franklin Square, NY, USA
+ (347) 433 - 5580
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